Title: Border Riding. Illustration of a walled village with stylised tall buildings and towers, chimney smoke rising into a bight sky. Directly below the village gallops a rider, holding a banner and blowing a trumpet.
Title: Border Riding. Illustration of a walled village with stylised tall buildings and towers, chimney smoke rising into a bight sky. Directly below the village gallops a rider, holding a banner and blowing a trumpet.

Border Riding explores how arbitrary borders can create real long-lasting divisions between communities, and how petty village rivalries can turn into full blown conflicts.

By following these communities and their border rituals over time, you will also explore how, in seeking safety from perceived threats, communities can vilify and warmly welcome those that fall outside of a drawn border.

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Writing - Jo Reid
Editing - Roz Leahy
Sensitivity Consult - Penny Blake
Graphic Design - Brian Tyrrell
Illustrations - Eli Spencer
Published by - Stout Stoat Press

Digital editions available with accessibility tags for screen readers.Text © 2023 Jo Reid.
Illustrations © 2023 Eli Spencer.
Design and concept © 2023 Brian Tyrrell, Stout Stoat Press.

Illustration. A buck, chased by hunting dogs.
Sketchy illustration. A scene focused on a walled village, broken into two halves. On the left it is daytime, and riders on horseback with hunting dogs race across the country side. On the right it is night time, illuminated by riders with torches.